Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Four Days and a Wake-Up!

Well... I'm almost there guys. This coming Monday, I'll be getting on a plane with my friends Lavy and Ben and flying to El Salvador. Whew!

This last week has been a whirlwind. Between working a lot, putting in my final fundraising efforts, wrapping up responsibilities here and planning for responsibilities I will take on in El Salvador... well let's just say, yesterday I sat down to relax for a moment and didn't get up for four hours. I was really wiped! I calculated it and realized that I had worked for 13 days in a row. Some of those were part time days, but all the same... it's time to slow down a little. Today is my first full day off - and even then, it will have to be a very productive sort of restful ;).

Having to slow down this week due to sickness reminded me of what a blessing it is that I have people around me who help. Though asking for help might be one of the hardest things to do, it's humbling and moving when people respond. I've been really blessed by the responses of my friends in supporting me on this trip. Had people not committed to supporting me - some of them totally out of the blue - I would still be trying to come up with the $900 that I have raised so far in support. Stressful?! I think so. Though I've not totally reached the full amount, I am much closer, and really thankful. It's also cool to see people getting excited for me. I know I couldn't be more excited, but it seems like too much to ask that others also anticipate my experience and be invested in it.  Fun anecdote: The other night at Olive Garden I served a family from El Salvador. In between delivering their smoked mozzarella fonduta and Italian margaritas, we chatted for a long time about the work that I am doing, and they ended up donating about 30 Spanish Bibles and devotionals to our trip! The boxes came today!

Aside from trip preparations, my time has been full... on Sunday evenings I play my cello with a worship band at a service called "The Well". This has been fun - I had no idea when I picked it up that apparently the cello is everyone's favorite instrument?? I spend most of my free evenings with my cousins Seth and Kristina and their three small [adorable] kids... it is always low key. Me and my friends Tina, Liz, Nick and Beka have become regulars there; we lay on the floor and chat or watch a movie until the late hours. It's summertime chilling at its best.

I've also been instrumental in planning a summer kids camp for low-income youth called "Camp Skillz". As my trip approaches I am passing off my responsibilities to others - they get to see the fruit of all our hard work! But I think the camp will be a wonderful time for the kids and for those who get to plan and participate in it.

Sister Beka is working full-time at Camp Widgiwagon (YMCA camp) as a director. She comes home on weekends with tales of her friends "Peanut", "Gizmo", "Twigs" and more... she herself is "Keys" (like piano keys). In honor of her camp name I was dubbed "Lit" for literature, since I apparently sound like a walking book.  :)

Because I think blogs without pictures are boring... here are some photos of recent happenings in my life! I was the captain of a dance team a few months ago. We worked with a choreographer to prepare, practice, and perform a pretty sweet hip-hop piece. The full video of our dance is on my facebook somewhere... if enough clamor for it, I'll post it on here. For now, enjoy...

Keepin' it low, low, low...
Who said Sara Davis can't look tough? Ok, tough-ish. :)

Our music of choice? Kirk Franklin and... Busta Rhymes!

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